SELECT distinct IFNULL(user.user_id,0) user_id, bookforsale.book_id,bookforsale.book_city,bookforsale.college_id,bookforsale.book_condition,shipping_cost, available_quantity, book_title,authors,publisher,binding,PublicationDate,no_of_pages,isbn10,isbn13,course_number, course_title,edition, bookforsale.state,available_date,seller_email,price,comments,nick,, book.LargeImage from bookforsale INNER JOIN book on bookforsale.isbn = book.isbn10 LEFT JOIN college ON bookforsale.college_id = college.college_id LEFT JOIN course on bookforsale.course_id = course.course_id LEFT JOIN user ON seller_email = where book.slug ='quantitative-analysis-for-management-11th-edition-11th-edition-paperback-by-render-barry-stair-ralph-m-hanna-michael-e-pulished-by-prentice-hall-B0086QJJWK' and bookforsale.verified = 'yes' and available_quantity > 0
Book: Quantitative Analysis for Management (11th Edition) 11th Edition ( Paperback ) by Render, Barry; Stair, Ralph M.; Hanna, Mich By :

Book Title: Quantitative Analysis for Management (11th Edition) 11th Edition ( Paperback ) by Render, Barry; Stair, Ralph M.; Hanna, Mich [Paperback]
Publisher: Prentice Hall

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1 good Note, this is cheaper edition with no isbn but it is the same book. It has been used for the course with out any problem and at much cheaper rate. The books has visible sign of use at front but the inside it is in very good condition. Also the front cover is different. Contact Seller $25.99+$3.99 = $29.98