SELECT distinct IFNULL(user.user_id,0) user_id, bookforsale.book_id,bookforsale.book_city,bookforsale.college_id,bookforsale.book_condition,shipping_cost, available_quantity, book_title,authors,publisher,binding,PublicationDate,no_of_pages,isbn10,isbn13,course_number, course_title,edition, bookforsale.state,available_date,seller_email,price,comments,nick,, book.LargeImage from bookforsale INNER JOIN book on bookforsale.isbn = book.isbn10 LEFT JOIN college ON bookforsale.college_id = college.college_id LEFT JOIN course on bookforsale.course_id = course.course_id LEFT JOIN user ON seller_email = where book.slug ='criminal-justice-in-action-1111835578' and bookforsale.verified = 'yes' and available_quantity > 0
Book: Criminal Justice in Action By Larry K. Gaines :

Book Title: Criminal Justice in Action [Hardcover]
Author(s): Larry K. Gaines
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Edition: 7
ISBN-10: 1111835578

This above book is available from the following sellers

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1 Rami* New Contact Seller $120.99+$0.99 = $121.98